Subject pronouns, to be, to have, Seasons and Months

Subject Pronouns

Just like in English, subject pronouns are masculine, feminine and neutral.
The plural "they" has two forms in Polish, depending if it is masculine or feminine.
While in English we always use "you", both in formal and informal dialogues, in Polish there is a formal way to address people, which corresponds to "Sie" in German, "Usted" in Spanish, "Lei" in Italian. When we use this form of courtesy we conjugate the verb with the 3rd person.

I = ja

you = ty

he = on

she = ona

it = ono

You (courtesy, masculine) = pan

You (courtesy, feminine) = pani

we = my

you = wy

they (masculine) = oni

they (feminine) = one

They (courtesy, plural) = państwo

There is no neutral form of "they".

To Be and To Have

"to be" in Polish is "być" /bets/, it is not so different, isn't it?
"to have" in Polish is "mieć" /miets/, it looks a little the posession pronoun "mine".

To be present tense

I am
ja jestem
you are
ty jesteś
he/she/it is
on/ona/ono jest
we are
my jesteśmy
you are
wy jesteście
they (male and female) are
oni/one są

To have present tense

I have
ja mam
you have
ty masz
he/she/it has
on/ona/ono ma
we have
my mamy
you have
wy macie

they (male and female) have
oni/one mają

There is, there are

"there is" in polish is "jest", which literally means "is", with no need to specify "there" before the verb; in the same way we translate "there are" with "są", which literally means "are".
In order to answer to the question "is there?" we just repeat the verb to be when the answer is positive: "jest", "są". When we want to say "there isn't" we say "nie ma", which means "it does not have".

Eg. "Czy jest Maria?", "Jest!/Nie ma!" which means "Is there Maria?", "Yes, there is/No, there isn't!"
Eg. "Czy są grzyby?", "Są!/Nie ma!", which means "Are there mushrooms?", "Yes, there are!/No, there are not!"

Seasons and Months in Polish

Here below the four seasons, and the words connected with them.

Spring: Wiosna

March: Marzec
April: Kwiecień
May: Maj
Flowers: Kwiaty
Blooms: pędy
Easter: Wielkanoc

Summer: Lato
June: Czerwiec
July: Lipiec
August: Sierpień
hot: gorąco
sea: morze
sun: słońce

Autumn: Jesień
September: Wrzesień
October: Październik
November: Listopad
leaves: liście
mushrooms: grzyby
rain: deszcz

Winter: Zima
December: Grudzień
January: Styczeń
February: Luty
cold: zimno
show: śnieg
ice: lód
Christmas: Boże Narodzenie


To Be or To Have? This is the Question...

To Be or To Have? This is the Question...

Write the subject pronoun in Polish:

I =
you =
he =
she =
it =
you (masculine, formal) =
you (feminine, formal) =
we =
you =
they (masculine) =
they (feminine) =
They (formal) =

Write the verb to be or to have in the gaps

1) I have a lot of money: ja dużo pieniędzy
2) She is beautiful: ona piękna
3) Have you got bananas?: jakieś banany?
4) I am tired: zmęczony
5) We are hungry: głodni
6) You (plural) have a new computer: wy nowy komputer
7) Are you (singular) happy?: czy szczęśliwi?
8) He is sad: on smutny
9) Are you (singular) drunk? no, I'm happy!: pijany? Nie, szczęśliwy!
10) My son is young: mój syn młody
11) My grandmother is old: moja babcia stara
12) My dolls are broken: moje lalki zepsute
13) He has got so much: on tak wiele
14) We have twenty bottles of wodka: dwadzieścia butelek wódki
15) They have a new car: oni nowy samochód
16) There are some apples in the basket: Jabłka w koszyku.
17) John isn't here, I am sorry. But there is his car! He must have gone on foot: Przepraszam, ale nie John. Ale jego samochód! Pewnie poszedł pieszo.
18) There is a fly in my glass!: W mojej szklance mucha!
19) There are some things I did not tell you: there are no money on the bank account but there is a chance to recover it: kilka rzeczy, których mi nie powiedział: nie więcej pieniędzy na koncie bankowym, ale możliwość ich odzyskania.

Fill the gaps with the missin words (subject pronons or words about months and seasons). The endings have already been added as they change according to the declension, so in some cases you just needto add the beginning of the word without the ending. You find the English corresponding word between brackets.
In case of doubts you can click in the gap and use the button "Help" atthe end of the exercise.

In autumn there are mushrooms, but only from September till October. In November it is too cold freddo. - ią (autumn) rosną (mushrooms), ale tylko we niu (September) i w u (October). W zie (November) jest za zimno.
Every year we go on holiday to the sea while you go to the mountain. - Co roku w wakacje (we) jeździmy nad (sea), podczas gdy (you) jeździcie w (mountain).
Are you there? It's since last winter I haven't seen you. I am fine, and how are you? - Jesteś? Nie widziałem cię od zeszłej y (winter). U mnie wszystko w porządku, a (you) jak się masz?
They are always the same. Each holiday they find a new girlfriend and each autumn they break up. In June they are all happy and in September they are all sad. - Oni są zawsze tacy sami. W każde (holiday) znajdują sobie nową dziewczynę, a następnie każdej i (autumn) ją zostawiają. W cu (June) wszyscy są zadowoleni, a we niu (September) wszyscy są smutni.
He is happy because it is spring: there are flowers and it is not cold. - On jest zadowolony, ponieważ jest (spring): są (flowers) i nie jest (cold).
In January she used to work in a call center, I saw her again in May and she was working as sales representative. - W stycznia (she) pracowała w call center, widziałem ją ponownie w u (May) I pracowała jako przedstawiciel.
In March people make beer and in September people uncork it. Did you know that? They did. - W cu (Marzo) produkuje się piwo, a we niu (Settembre) się je odkorkowuje. Wiedzieliście? (loro) wiedzieli.
In February there is Carnival, in April Easter, in December Christmas. In Poland in October they do not celebrate Halloween, so I willnot dress in costume. - W m (February) jest (Carnival), w niu (April) (Easter), w niu (December) (Christmas). W Polsce w u (October) nie obchodzi się Halloween, więc nie ubieram mojego kostiumu.
I am going on holiday for all July and August, in the sun and heat. Hopefully it willnot rain a lot. This year in November it snowed but in December it was sunny and it was not cold. - Jadę na (holiday) na cały (July) I (August), do a (sun) i a (hot). Mamy nadzieje, że nie będzie bardzo owo (rain). Tego roku w zie (November) padał (snow), a w niu (December) świeciło (sun) i nie było (cold).

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