In the family there are mather (matka) and father (ojciec) – called by their children daddy (tata) and mummy (mama) –, the son (syn) and the daughter (córka) which are between them brother (brat) and sister (siostra).
Moving vertically there is the grandfather (dziadek) and the grandmother (babcia), followed by the grandgrandfather (pradziadek) and the grandgrandmother (prababcia). As it is easy to understand, in Polish "grand-" is translated with “pra-”. Grandchildren are "wnuk" for the grandson and "wnuczka" for the granddaughter.
Moving horizontally there are theaunts: the uncle (wujek) and the aunt (ciocia). Their children are the cousins: kuzyn for male and kuzynka for female.
Nephews have two different names, it depends if they are sons of the brother (bratanek if male, bratanica if female) or of the sister (siostrzeniec if male, siostrzenica if female).
As it is easy to understand, the words bratanek/bratanica and siostrzeniec/siostrzenica stem from brat and siostra, which mean brother and sister – in this way Polish people underline that those relatives are the children of the brother or of the sister.
Parents: rodzice
Family = rodzina
Relatives = krewni
Mum = mama
Dad =tata
Mother = matka
Father =ojciec
Grandfather = dziadek
Grandmother = babcia
Uncle = wujek
Aunt = ciocia
Cousin ♂ = kuzyn
Cousin ♀ = kuzynka
Nephew ♂ of the brother = bratanek
Niece ♀ of the brother = bratanica
Nephew ♂ of the sister = siostrzeniec
Niece ♀ of the sister = siostrzenica
Grandson = wnuk
Granddaughter = wnuczka
Grandgrandson = pradziadek
Grandgranddaughter = prababcia
Son = syn
Daughter = córka
Brother = brat
Sister = siostra
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